Ongoing research and writing in the intercultural, interdisciplinary, and speculative sciences
Transferring kNOwledge to students and colleagues interactively
Professor – Expert At a Glance
- Extensive experience in interdisciplinary and speculative sciences
- Expert specialization in intercultural business communication, conflict management, etc.
- Instructed at North American and European universities and colleges
- Research and writing collaboration sought for interdisciplinary and speculative science data and cases
- Provides workshops, course design, presentations and guest lectures
Areas of Specialization
- Intercultural Business Communication
- Crisis and Conflict Management
- Global Virtual Team Management
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Business Mediation and (ADR)
- US and UK Law Studies
- International – Intercultural Business Negotiation
- International Relations and Political Sciences
- Sociology and Cultural Studies
- Specialized English (Business, Law, Engineering)
- Public Relations
- Media and Communication Management
- Project Management
- International Business Management
Research and Writing
- Facing No book series – 11 planned volumes
- Volume 1 completed: Introduction to the Intercultural Business Communication Competence and
- International-Intercultural Conflict Management Postulate Inventory (IPI)- 1st 100
- Intercultural postulates (IP) inventory – 100 IPs in Volume 1, additional 100 in Volume 2, to be continued in Vol. 3
- Culture-specific intercultural postulates – several proposed postulates for targeted cultures
- Theoretical models – visualizations of basic and complex intercultural and interdisciplinary theories, i.e. CoT (Culture of Things)
Facing No Book Series – Volume 1 (completed)
- Vol. 1: Introduction to the Intercultural Business Communication Competence and International-Intercultural Conflict Management Postulate Inventory (IPI)- 1st 100 >>>
- Outlining the first 100 postulates in the Intercultural Postulates Inventory (IPI) – interculturality of all future topics addressed
- Conflict management as also a tangential and potential phenomenon in all aspects of human endeavor.
- Introducing the all-pervasive CoT theory
- Explanation of the Facing kNOw / Facing No (FN) concept and brand
- Inauguration and description of first FN models
- Includes speculative culture-specific postulates: U.S. American culture
Facing No Book Series – Volumes 2-4
- Vol.2: Conflict Management – International Mediation, including an introduction to conflict resolution process also appropriate for intercultural conflict management (within the CoT speculative milieu). It includes the second set of 100 IPIs. Includes speculative culture-specific postulates: German culture
- Vol.3: International CRM and Marketing plus any remaining IPIs as of its writing. Comparative cultural study of overall customer service and customer relationship management (Culture of Things (CoT) and Interdisciplinarity of Things (IdoT) speculative milieu)
- Vol.4: “Psychopath Whispering” – Psychology – CoT the significance of conflict, the human dilemma, economic imbalance, of the most complex and destructive personality type within the human genome (CoT and InT SM)
Facing No Book Series – Volumes 5-11
- Vol.5: Law and Culture – (CoT and InT SM)
- Vol.6: Direct Democracy and Culture – (CoT and InT SM)
- Vol.7: Anthropology and Sociology – (CoT and InT SM)
- Vol.8: International Relations and Politics (CoT and InT SM)
- Vol.9: Genocide – the Ultimate CoT Conflict (CoT and InT SM)
- Vol.10: Communication and Language (CoT and InT SM)
- Vol.11: and onward: Culture and History: each following volume examines a target culture (China, India, Arabic Macroculture, Russia, Israel/Jewish, German Macroculture, North American, and other. The volume seeks to understand how the investigated culture is different than other cultures and its place in the global community. An important concept for each culture is the current status of cultural memory (CoT and InT SM)
Intercultural Postulates Inventory (IPI) – Sample
IP:6 Intercultural Incompetence (IIC) = corporate global inefficiency
The entry here could also read CKI = cultural knowledge inadequacy: can incur both direct and indirect costs and damages. There are many ways that intercultural incompetence at the management level can cost money, i.e., Walmart in Germany or South Korea (Hunt et al., 2018). Comparatively, U.S. American managers are much more likely to return early from a foreign assignment than their Japanese and German counterparts. The failure of a global market assignment task can easily cost a company over a million euros / dollars in lost investment in its human resource assets when an upper-level manager’s assignment cut short. Intercultural competence implementation as a measure of prevention is training at the fraction of the cost of possible damages and can lead to significant cost-savings for international companies (Facing No – Vol. 1, 2013, pp.75-76).
Culture-specific Intercultural Postulates – Sample
CS:IP:USA:6 – Convenience and Customer is King
If there is a convenient, quick and easy way to get something or get something done – that is the better and obvious option. Research question: if one can take an escalator or elevator, why take the stairs? Why ride a bike when one can drive a car? In CRM, the customer is right even when the customer is wrong. The customer journey MUST leave the customer wanting to come back, validated, safe, and feeling good (Facing No – Vol. 1, 2013, p.156).
This CS IP is an indicator of how business culture and popular culture influence each other in a symbiotic relationship. An example of this is the drive thru concept which has evolved to an extreme degree in the U.S. environment: see drive-thru drugstores and drive-thru weddings.
Theoretical Models – Sample 1
Theoretical Models – Sample 2
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